A properly maintained landscape ensures that your investment will last a lifetime.
Our maintenance crews have decades of experience in the proper horticultural methods of landscape maintenance from turf care to integrated pest management. We offer a full spectrum of landscape maintenance services.
Lawn cutting/line trimming
It all starts with a well cut lawn. We regularly service our mowers to ensure a proper cut every single time.
Spring clean- up
Winter can make your landscape messy. Start your summer off with a spring clean-up. We clean up winter debris, edge and mulch planting
As part of our best practices, we use a variety of mulches on your landscape; finely shredded mulch for trees and bushes, and compost mulch for flowers and ground cover areas.
Scheduled grounds
Regular, scheduled site visits to just garden in your landscape. We prune, cultivate, weed and clean up the landscape beds. Your landscape stays fresh looking throughout the entire growing season.
Fall clean-up
Fall clean-ups include removing leaves, cutting back perennials, cleaning out planting beds and applying fall fertilizers where appropriate.
Tree and shrub care
Regular pruning, watering and fertilizing will ensure the health and vigor of your trees and shrubs.
Fertilization and weed control programs
We customize fertilization and weed control program specific to your landscape for your lawn and landscape beds.
Dormant pruning
The best time to prune your trees is during the winter season. Proper pruning maintains the trees natural habit and ensure the health and vigor of your trees and shrubs.